The symptoms of varicose veins of the lower extremities and the treatment of varicose veins early

A person is prone to various diseases, the development of which, by the way, to some extent this is a duty he himself. It is our stubborn refusal to lead healthy and active lifestyles, the implementation of which is postponed each time until the next Monday. And this fashion? That only is not going to be mods and fashionista, trying to match the icons of style, after which adulthood reproaching himself ill-considered deeds.

The consequence of this behavior (not all cases) it is possible to get this kind of disease such as varicose veins of lower extremities, symptoms and treatment, with further talk about the details.

What is varicose veins


The name of the disease is in the Latin language means "in the belly". In fact, as the time swelling of the veins and can be seen with the naked eye is through the influence on the body. But it shows how dynamic the development of the ailment and not the symptom of early varicose veins.

If the varicose veins are suffering from the venous blood vessels due to violation of blood circulation and work on the valves.

As far varikoznim changes open the veins of the feet, but the disease may also occur vessel walls of large and small pelvis. In very rare cases cause this ailment vessels of the upper limb.

Help. Varicose veins – a very common disease, with an average frequency of lesions in the population is 10% to 18%.

It is worth noting that the appearance of the first signs of varicose veins of the legs, as well as their further development (untreated) women have been pointed out several times more often than men. With age, the figure no difference is not.

Damage to the veins and walls may be bacterial, physical, traumatic, chemical nature of the origin.

On this basis, can be distinguished the following precipitating factors for the emergence of such diseases of the feet:

  • a sedentary lifestyle;
  • heredity;
  • professional activity that is related to heavy physical loads or long-term stay in one position (sitting or standing);
  • daily wearing to work closely lingerie and shoes with high heel;
  • significant weight gain;
  • during pregnancy, especially second and later.

If in life there is at least one such reason, you should immediately remove or at least more attention from the varicose veins on the legs.


The symptoms of varicose veins on the legs is in proportion to the stage of the disease.

Help. The most obvious symptom of varicose veins in the legs, which is not something to be confused with the –enlargement of the superficial veins, whereas the maximum is considerably in the blood vessels of the bulge is leg.

Distinguish 4 stages of varicose veins, lower extremities, and each is characterized by certain aging manifestations:

  • starter – heaviness in the legs, rapid fatigue after the walk, the swelling;
  • the first – occurrence of vascular asterisks, burning feel are the shins and feet, regular cramps (especially at night);
  • second – all of the above symptoms, itching and numbness, pigmentation is a skin to cover the damaged area. Moreover, it is celebrated the emergence of a strong swelling and brightly expressed pain. The blue nodes more visible.
  • the third – the difficult stage is pathology, which strongly suffer from the skin covering the foot. Are observed skin dryness, the appearance of cracks, the dark skin in the area of the ankle. Nodes ven bulge more and more, that are dangerous because they may burst even less damage. If such a thing happened, then the spot nodes appear trophic ulcers, which is dangerous not only to health, but also human life.

Symptoms of varicose veins in the legs depending on the stage of development of pathology

The launch of such a disease in no case. If it seems that doubts it is worth to contact a specialist for highly qualified assistance, because if the first step is to successfully treat and conservative manner, then if the third or last stage it is necessary to carry out the operation.

Help. If the employment of a form of varicose veins the often celebrated development of thrombophlebitis – education of the veins formation of blood clots, which threatens the life of the sick.

Separately worth noting the development of the given pathology persons of the female. Because of the build of the organism may be present additional symptoms of varicose veins in the legs in women.

These include increased all the signs of woe in the period of menstruation and menopause. This is due to the hormonal changes in the female body.

How will varicose veins on the legs

Separately worth talking about in the initial stages of varicose veins of the legs

This point is very important, because the timely definition and correct operation of the sick depends on the quality of his future life.

Onset of this pathological status, almost invisibly, because the symptoms manifest themselves in the form of normal fatigue.

It is for this reason varicose veins often remain unnoticed, until there are serious manifestations.

One of the first symptoms of varicose veins of the legs – blanket on the skin vascular veins, which form small capillaries blue or red color.

Help. Vascular the eye or how they are called vascular stars, which have not in all cases are at this point the flow of the disease.

To start the development of the disease more characterized by the following features:

  • Periodic swollen feet.
  • Rapid fatigue, heaviness and pain in your feet.
  • Feeling abundance is the shins.

The display at the beginning of the veins in the feet

The above symptoms may be increased at high loads, the end of the working day in either seasons.

In the beginning, when they disappear after the holidays to lie in position and slightly raised feet.

If not do something, period of time the disease will be even stronger, acquiring the next stage of the disease.

Treatment and prevention, early varicose veins of

Is contraindications. You should consult your doctor.

Before you begin to consider ways to treat and prevent the initial stages of the ailment, we are going to encounter the issue of diagnosis of varicose veins is the lower extremities.

In order to detect and monitor the treatment of the pathology is the need to visit a doctor, who writes a list of necessary analyses and studies:

  • coagulogram – the study of blood clotting;
  • general blood test;
  • ULTRASOUND to detect the infected area in the blood vessel;
  • rheovasography – control deficiency blood from the tissues to the calculation method of rheographic index;
  • surgical studies (very rarely), such as phlebography, where do intravenously kontrastaine in order to define the state of the circulatory system.

Before you decide to varicose veins the legs the same way, doctor, of course, to listen carefully to and record all complaints are patients, as well as carries out a thorough examination.

On the basis of all of the survey and determine the nature of the pathology, the doctor will determine the corresponding treatment.

Preventive measures

Prevention is the important role of risk factors on presentation arise such pathological activities of the state. Therefore, must not ignore their compliance, even if the onset of varicose veins.

It can protect the further development of the disease and is in need of surgical intervention.

In order to be follow the following rules:

  • Moderate exercise, especially swimming.
  • Proper diet.
  • Reception of vitamin complexes.
  • By strengthening the blood vessels walls using contrasting soul.
  • Wearing compression in the wash.
  • Exercises, which help improve blood circulation.

Prevention methods of varicose veins of the


These exercises are all well known and still in school: "bicycle", "scissors", walking socks and heels, flexion – extension stop ankle joints, but also the implementation of ringliigutustega.

Important! Similar exercises should be done every day, because only so can they bring benefits.


Symptoms varicose the varicose veins on the legs early are quite effective. Usually specialist – flebolog determines a comprehensive treatment, that is itself immediately several different ways to treat.

The most effective ones are the following methods:

  • Massage early varicose veins — one of the most effective methods pathology
  • Contraindications and hiking the normal blood circulation.
  • Massage – eliminates fatigue and improves blood circulation.
  • Packing wash – creates a uniform pressure distribution.
  • Flebotoniki relieves pain and swelling in the legs, improve muscle tone.
  • Creams that enhance elasticity of the skin cover.
  • Ointments and gels (the best based on vetonikov and heparin) – remove heaviness in the legs, to remove the bloodstream.
  • There is another extraordinary, but effective way – aid from varicose veins, based on medicinal herbs and roots.

If in the early stages of the disease to conscientiously fulfill all the precepts, then there are all the possibilities to stop disease progression and therefore prevent surgery.